Josh Gray-Emmer

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Costa Rica Day One

Monday -

After having a few beers at the airport I slept like a baby on the place and arrived five and a half hours later in beautiful San Jose Costa Rica. Customs and Imigration were a since and we met our driver
Gustavo right outside. He threw our luggage in the van and we started on our 2 hour trip to Los Suenos. Allong the way we stopped to check out the stunning views from the top of a mountain and paused for a few
minutes to grab some fresh fruit from a local stand on the side of the road. Our driver was fantastic, he pointed everything there was to see out along the way... We even stopped to catch a glimpse of some crocs
kickn it in a river. You can see by the pictures how close we actually were to them, they seemed to care less about us and the other hundred tourests gawkig at them.

When we arrived at the resort I was blown away, the grounds are stunning, and you can see how the staff of 150 daily landscapers is kept busy. We were greeted at the office and given a golf cart to get around the monsterous resort, and sent to our condo. With our own pool and jaccuzi, not to mention full kitchen and living area, it's like a home away from home for the rest of our stay. After unpacking and
relaxing for an hour we met Tim Williams the director of PR for the resort and he took us into town (Jaco) to meet the locals and have some lunch. We ate at this gorgeous place on the beach and watched the
waves roll in as we all had local fresh caught fish.. as you can see from the pics it was beauiful and equally as delicious. After lunch we walked around and explored the main strip of Jaco and stopped for a
few drinks at a local bar (also on the beach of course).

After walking the entire length of Jaco we caught a cab and headed back to the resort to get some swimming in just in time for sunset. Tim left for a bit and we headed back to the room to shower and catch
some much needed rest before going out for the night. None of us really got a chance to nap before it was time to head out again to Jaco to get some dinner. The taxi dropped us at the great little place
I'm sure we'll go back to called The Taco Bar. It had the most scrumptious fish tacos and swings to sit on while we ate.

Our plan was to hit the local discotecs and party all night but we were done with dinner at 9 and it was still way to early, the town was deserted. We went back to the bar on the beach from earlier and had a few drinks and watched the lightning strike, it light up the entire ocean and the night sky. After killing the next hour at the bar we went back to to clubs to see if anyone was partying yet... alas.. 10pm is still too early for the Tikas (except for the hooker bar which was poppn)!! We bade farewell to Tim and headed back to the condo. Having
been up since 6am we were out by midnight... what a great first day.